A short film created by Director Jenn Shaw and produced by Tribeca Studios and the Queen Collective. Iris had the pleasure to Associate Produce GAPS.
GAPS shows the highs and lows of a Black adolescent navigating loving herself, which is no easy challenge in a world of beauty standards stacked against her. Sydney views her unique smile as a barrier to beauty and seeks out a dangerous method to change her grin. Only through turning to the Black women in her life, does she begin to shift her perspective to accept her gap as a gorgeous trait that’s been passed down through family generations. Through self-acceptance, Sydney begins to love her gap, for it makes her smile real.
Creative Team:
Executive Produced by Queen Latifah
Written and Directed by Jenn Shaw
Produced by Monique Hazeur and Tyler Young
Co-Produced by Julieta Gilbert
Cinematography by Michelle Clementine
Associate Producer: Iris Dukatt