Pretty Girls Don’t Light Their Own Cigarettes
Written & Performed by The Great Fairy Venus Celestina
Directed by Iris Dukatt
Produced by The Bossy Collective and part of Dixon Place’s 2019 HOT! Festival
July 12th, 2019
Dixon Place
161 Chrystie St. New York
The Play:
An episodic performance piece documenting the evolution of a drag queen into a goddess. By honoring self-expression Venus discovers their most pure and divine form of existence. Pretty Girls is part drag romp/part meditation on queer existence/part call to action for trans rights.
Cast: The Great Fairy Venus Celestina & Eamon Yates
Creative Team:
Producers - Rachel Keteyian & Olivia Goble
Choreography - Rosalie Neal
Stage Management/Dramaturgy - Grace Traynor
Set Design - Ryan Wilbat
Projection Design - Cita Atwell
Sound Design - Nina Andjelic
Costume Design - Neil Stevenson
Light Design - Cati Kalinowski