By Eve Ensler
Directed by Iris Dukatt
December 29th and 30th, 2017
The Unit 14 Theatre Company
Karger Center - Highland Park, IL
The Play:
Eve Ensler’s ground-breaking play from the 90s nurtured by The Unit 14 community. The cast featured a diverse mix of experienced actors, first-time performers, and all members of the community. The piece also featured an original piece by Frankie Charles to include a trans voice; allowing inclusion beyond cis women.
Cast: Erica Neems, EJ Braithwaite, Nicole Dukatt, Claudia Thiedman, Amanda Cook, Monica Garcia, Elizabeth Dukatt, Mariah Garcia, and Frankie Charles
Creative Team:
Set Design: Elizabeth Dukatt
Sound Design: Isabella Cordova
Costume Design: Samantha DeBell
Stage Management: Martin Gold
Light Design: Zack Saunders